Leasing Operations

Task Management: How Automation, AI and Staff Work Together Toward Excellence

Anyone Home Marketing
June 25, 2024

As far as the leasing journey goes, it’s no secret that there are several touchpoints and tasks to keep a lead moving toward a signed lease. Not to mention the fact that you have several leads at once and the number of tasks your staff must juggle adds up quickly. Many properties are dealing with staffing shortages and existing staff are burnt out which is hurting the resident experience.

As property management companies continue to struggle in this area and keep a competitive edge, try to consider this truth: when you take care of your staff, they will naturally take care of your customers.  

Your leasing agents need a bit of weight off their shoulders. To do this and still maintain value for the renter, you must "automate the routine and humanize the exception,” as Fred Smith of FedEx says.

What Requires People & What Doesn’t

While there are many touchpoints within leasing apartments and each one is important to gain net new leases and renewals, not every task requires a human. We suggest separating all touchpoints into two categories: low-value and high-value tasks.  

Low-value tasks are simply routine tasks, such as answering general questions, qualifying leads, and sending communications. This is not to say that these tasks are not important or necessary but are simply handled well through automation.  

High-value tasks are where your staff should be taking over. These are tasks that require empathy or relationship-building, such as in-person tours and addressing the concerns of a prospect or renter.

Offload the Low-Value Tasks using Technology

Now that you’ve spotlighted the routine tasks, it’s good to look at tech stacks that can help support your staff. Automation and AI serve as high-impact tools in streamlining operations by handling these tasks efficiently. Automated workflows in your CRM, AI-powered leasing assistants, and contact centers can offer several advantages for both staff and the renters with:

  • Instant Responses: Automated systems provide instant responses to common inquiries, boosting the prospect experience while also freeing staff so they can focus on more meaningful interactions.
  • Consistency & Accuracy: They ensure consistent and accurate communication, reducing errors and improving efficiency.
  • Enhanced Service Availability: With almost a third of lead interactions taking place after hours, automation and AI can provide service availability beyond typical business hours, enhancing resident satisfaction.
  • Streamlined Processes: Automation streamlines processes like follow-up emails and scheduling tours, keeping leads engaged while also reducing manual effort for your staff.
Source: Forrester Research

By offloading the low-value tasks, properties can reallocate human resources to focus on high-value tasks. This creates a win-win scenario, where employees are engaged and avoiding burnout while residents receive more personalized attention and excellent experience.

Smooth and Successful Implementation

Technology should be adding value and not creating more or even different types of disruption. There are actions you can take to ensure implementation of automation or AI is done properly so that you get the results you desire. Make sure to consider:

  • Integration: Ensure the addition of any technology is seamlessly implemented with existing workflows and systems.
  • Training: Provide comprehensive training for on-site teams to understand automation capabilities and limitations. Where there is buy-in, there is even greater success.
  • Communication: Establish clear communication channels between automated systems and staff to avoid service gaps.
  • Human Touch: Maintain a human touchpoint throughout the customer journey. Offering residents the option to connect with a real person for complex matters will maximize your conversions.

By offloading low-value tasks with automation and AI, leasing agents can dedicate more time and energy to building relationships, solving problems, fostering net new leases and increasing renewal rates. It's not just about streamlining operations. It’s remembering that when your staff is set up for success, they can elevate the resident experience and maximize revenue at every property. Everyone wins when technology and staff are working together in harmony.

If you’re interested in leasing smarter with Anyone Home, BOOK A DEMO to learn more. 

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